CHAS Strategy

A (Very) Brief History Of Universal Life Insurance

I am not a huge fan on Universal Life insurance in the first place.  However, for people who want to learn about the history of Universal Life insurance, this video is as good an any others.

Just be aware that this 5 minute video is one-sided.  It does not discuss all the legal problems that were associated with Universal Life insurance in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Call me at (832) 767-8059 before you commit to any form of Universal Life.  I lived through the late 1980s and early 1990s.  I can share with you the messes that I have had to clean up because of what was happening with Universal Life at that time.

One response to “A (Very) Brief History Of Universal Life Insurance”

  1. […] A (Very) Brief History Of Universal Life Insurance ( […]